Registrants (not branches) may transfer to another broadcast at any time up to 5:00PM EST of the business day prior to the broadcast for which they were originally registered, for no additional charge. Transfers will not be accepted after that time.
Note: Transfers may only be made within the current All-Star Tax Series season, for courses between May and January. Season Pass holders may transfer to an alternate viewing date for a course, provided that additional replays are still available.
To transfer to another broadcast:
- Go to prior to the scheduled start time of the course and login in the top right corner
- Click on your name then click MY ACCOUNT
- Click on Manage Registrations on the right
- Click the Action button beside the course then Transfer Event
If you are unable to transfer to a different broadcast or experiencing difficulties, please submit a support ticket.
Note: Transfers may only be made within the current All-Star Tax Series season, for courses between May and January. Season Pass holders may transfer to an alternate viewing date for a course, provided that additional replays are still available.